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Global Health Literacy Summit

October 3, 2021 - October 5, 2021

IHLA (International Health Literacy Association) is hosting a virtual Global Health Literacy Summit on October 3-5, 2021. Early bird registration is now open. A wonderful opportunity to learn from health literacy colleagues worldwide.


Features of the Summit


With over 500 leaders on the frontline of health, the Summit will be a great opportunity to network on a global and regional level.

Powerful Speakers

The Summit will feature leaders from civil society, the government, the corporate sector, academia, clinical practice and non-government organizations to present cutting-edge practices and visions for the future.

Inspiring and Cutting-edge Content

The Summit agenda has been developed in consultation with health literacy champions all over the world to explore relevant issues and learn about best practices.

Goals of the Global Health Literacy Summit

The aim of the IHLA Global Health Literacy Summit is to unite people around the world working to promote health literacy in order to

  1. foster knowledge exchange between researchers, practitioners and policy makers regarding health literacy
  2. promote evidence-based actions and practices in the area of health literacy
  3. promote health literacy to reduce inequality in health.



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October 3, 2021
October 5, 2021

